10 oct 2008


In my school a field exists of foot ball where my companions amuse themselves playing awhile whereas we like to spend(pass) some a time in the cafeteria though there is nothing good, we us like to get to see the pupils to practise in the quarter(room) of hydromassage, aveces we go away to the classroom of calculation to realizing hanging tasks, or to the quarter(room) of developing to extracting some photos, the material that aveces forgets us we buy it in the small papers.
In ocaciones the teachers give the orders us to see boring movies to the audience and we prefer going away to the gimancio, where in ocaciones we hurt ourselves and have to resort to the infirmary(nursing).

My ideal serious school one that had lounge of music that I possess(rely on) instruments with which pudieramos to practise freely, a very wide gimnacio to which we could deposit when it(he) is necessary, a cafeteria with a wide rich and cheap variety of food and overcoat, the clean lounges with chairs acolchonadas and without teachers, a spa for the pupils, a cabin of big radio(radius) all to express to us and to extract the stress, green very big areas, clean baths, a library to where if they give us the books, which there is no policeman(police) in the door, which they do not force us to use uniform and to be able to enter and go out at the hour that is.

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